Thursday, December 26, 2013

Wondering what to do with the leftover ham from Christmas?  Here is a great scalloped potato and ham recipe.  I used turkey ham and red potatoes in mine to keep it more healthy, but you can change it based on your preference.   I made this recipe with about 6 medium potatoes.  You will also need 2 cups of chicken broth, onion, garlic, (to taste, I used about half a small onion and about 1 T garlic) shredded cheese, milk, and chicken bullion.  Begin by bringing the chicken broth, chopped onion, and garlic to a boil.  While it is boiling, cut the potatoes to about the thickness shown in the picture. 
Once it is at a full boil, reduce the heat and add one cup of milk and one packet of chicken bouillon.  You can also use a can of cream of chicken soup instead if you prefer.   Layer the potatoes in the bottom of a casserole dish.  Pour the sauce over the top.  Add the chopped ham and cover the whole thing with shredded cheese. (Again to your taste.  I used about 3/4 a bag).
Bake in a 400 degree oven for about 40 minutes.  Check it after 30 as I use a stoneware pan and my oven is old.  Enjoy! 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I ran to the grocery store after work because even though it is frigid out, I was giving Old Mother Hubbard a run for her money.  I was looking for something I could make quickly after shopping but that would still be decently healthy.  I saw Tyson Fajita Chicken Strips in the freezer section.  They are precooked so I decided I would try them in Chicken Wraps.  I used BBQ sauce, ranch, shredded cheese, and whole wheat tortillas. 
Per the directions on the bag, I cooked the chicken in the microwave for 2 minutes so it would not be frozen.  While it cooked, I mixed two parts BBQ to one part Ranch Dressing in a bowl.  I then added the chicken and stirred until it was coated thickly. 

Start a skillet pan heating at about "4" heat and spray it with cooking spray.  Place cheese in the tortilla and cover it with chicken.  Fold the tortilla and secure it with a toothpick so it will stay closed.  Once the pan is hot, cook the tortilla on each side until toasted.  I did about 3 minutes on each side.  That is all!  Talk about easy. 

Be sure to remove the toothpick, then devour this bad boy because it is GOOD.  My husband was skeptical at first, but after the first bite asked me if I could make another one for his lunch. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

One of my favorite fast but hearty dinners in the winter time is Tuna Noodle Casserole.  Of course, butter noodles, and cream of whatever soup is not on the top ten list of healthy foods!  I decided to "healthy it up" since it is such an easy but yummy recipe for those crazy week nights.  I used whole wheat noodles, milk with chicken bouillon, a little cream cheese, two cans of tuna,and some shredded cheese.  Oh, and peas.  Anyone who knows me knows how much I love peas.  I eat these things for a snack.  They are delicious!! 

Begin by boiling the noodles.  I used about half of a 12 oz bag.  This ended up being PLENTY.  I know what I am having for lunch.  For the next week.  :)  Drain them and put them back in the pot.  Meanwhile, mix together 1.5 cups of milk with 2 packets of the chicken bouillon.  Stir until most of the chunks are mixed in. 
Pour the mixture along with the tuna (undrained if you like tuna flavor, otherwise drain it for less of a tuna taste), 1/4 cup of whipped cream cheese, 1 cup of shredded cheese, and a steam bag of peas.  I did not cook the peas first and it worked just fine.    Stir it all together and cook until warm.  It doesn't get much easier than that!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

I kept seeing this recipe floating around Pinterest that included pasta, bacon, and cream of chicken soup in a casserole.  I decided I was going to try it "healthy" by using whole wheat noodles, turkey bacon, and homemade cream of chicken.  However, after I had all the ingredients ready to go, my oven stopped working.  I decided to try making it as a hotdish on the stove top instead, and it was amazing!!! You will need everything pictured below.  I also add things as I go, so you will also need chopped garlic,  an onion,  and onion powder. 
Start by cooking the bacon in a skillet.  I used 5 pieces.  While it is frying, cut 3 chicken breasts into chunks and cut up part of an onion.  
Take the bacon off and set it aside.  Cook the chicken in onion in the same pan.  They will soak up some of the bacon flavor.  While the chicken is cooking, mix the following in a bowl: 2 cups of milk, 2 packets of chicken bouillon, half a cup of whipped cream cheese, and 4 T of flour.  Stir until most of the chunks are out. 

Stir in the chicken once it is cooked being sure it is well, coated.  While you are doing this, boil the noodles.  I used about 3/4 of the box.   Drain the noodles and put them back in the pot.  Pour the chicken mixture over the noodles and stir well.  Add about a cup of Colby Jack cheese and the crumpled bacon. 
Cook on medium heat. I added some chopped garlic and onion powder while it simmered.   It will be runny at first, but thickens as it cooks.  I cooked it for about 25 mintues. 
Yum!  It was good.  Oh look, my friend the sandwich thin with butter and garlic salt :)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Walking Tacos.  The ultimate comfort food!  The only problem is, well,  you have to walk them off when you are done. :)  At least you did before.  I was in the organic food section at my grocery store the other day when I saw a bag of chips that looked like Doritos.  I read the label and found they were actually made from beans and were healthy.  I thought I would try them as a snack at first, but then decided to try them as a walking taco.  Let me tell you, they were good!  The texture was slightly different, but it had ALL the flavor.  Pair it with ground turkey, homemade taco seasoning, and your favorite veggie toppings and you have a  low calorie walking taco that is so yummy. 

To make the meat, brown one pound of ground turkey seasoned with a little Lawry's salt.  Once brown, add 1.5 T each of cumin, garlic powder, and chili powder.  Pour about 1/4 cup of water and stir it all in.  Let it simmer until it is all absorbed.   I crushed my chips in a baggie as shown, then put them in a bowl for easier eating.  The baggie was not as thick as a Dorito bag :)  My taco may look a bit boring to you because I don't like tomatoes, but you could add whatever toppings you like.  I really liked the taste of mine! 

I used about 3/4 of a cup or so.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I got the idea to make parmesean chicken meatball from Pinterest, but none of the recipes I found sounded like chicken parmesean to me, soooooo I adapted it.  I took my regular chicken parm recipe and, well, I meatballed it :)  All you need is some ground chicken, string cheese, whole wheat bread crumbs, spaghetti sauce, 1 egg, and a small amount of flour. 
I started my sauce simmering right away so I could season it and let it cook.  I think it tastes better the longer it cooks.  I add garlic cloves, italian seasoning, and onion powder to my sauce.  Next, I made a "work station" of sorts so I could easily make the meatballs.  Put egg in one bowl, flour in one bowl, and split the string cheese into about thirds. 
Take a meatball sized chuck of chicken and form it into a ball around a piece of cheese.  Dip it in the flour first, then the egg, and finally the bread crumbs.  I put the balls into muffin tins so they would keep their shape. 

Bake the meatballs at 400 for about thirty minutes.  Meanwhile, cook your spaghetti noodles.  I LOVE Smart Taste noodles.  They taste exactly like white noodles, but they are not enriched.   The final product was amazing!!!!  I admit this is not the easiest recipe as far as time goes, but  I will make this again for sure!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

AAHG.  The Monday morning workout.  I think it is probably the hardest one to do.  Not only is it Monday, but if you are like me you eat less healthy on the weekend and just feel a little more sluggish Monday morning.  If so, doing a strength training work out that doesn't feel so strenuous can be just the ticket not to hit the snooze button.  It doesn't have to be long.  25 minutes is enough to see results if you truly push yourself.  I do strength training while I watch my favorite shows I have DVR'd.  I do each exercise for one minute instead of counting reps.  I rest for a minute, then repeat two more times.  I switch up the toning I do often to keep it interesting, but these are a few of my "go to" favorites.  You can use any size dumbbell you like.  Even 5 pounds will show results with consistency.   Start with a five minute warm up.  You could run in place or do jumping jacks.  Sometimes I get on my treadmill for a few minutes.  Just be sure you move to loosen up your muscles. 

The first one is done in four steps.  Start with the weights at your thighs.  Bending your legs in a slight squat will also work your legs at the same time.....bonus!  Lift into a curl, then a shoulder press, and finally up, back to shoulder press, and back to thighs. 

This exercise also works your arms.  It is best to do it slow and hold each rep for a few seconds.  Basically, you just swing your arms like you are running, then switch which arm is in front.  Again, do a slight squat at the same time for an added bonus.  Remember to breath through this one.  It gets tough at the end of the minute!
Give your arms a little break by doing a balancing exercise next.  Balancing exercises are nice because they work your whole core, a must for a strong body.  Simply balance on one leg, then the other for a minute each using the weights as anchors. 
To continue working the core, the next arm move is done on an ab ball.  Start with your weights by your ears, then push them slightly forward as you extend your arms.  Again, do for a minute if you can.  Work your way up if this is too hard. 
Finish up the arms by doing a pushup on the ball.  Be sure to keep your body straight when you do this.  Don't let your legs flop down.  One minute, you CAN do it!!!
One more core move while you have the ball.  This is my FAVORITE ab move.  It is easy and super effective.  Use the wall as a balance and lay on the ball.  Make sure you wrap your back around the ball so you have to bend all the way up.  Do a crunch squeezing at the top of the move.  One minute, rest, three reps. 

You are done!  25 minutes is all you need to get a good workout in.  You will never regret a workout you did, but you may regret one you skipped!   HAPPY MONDAY! 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

I love meatloaf as much as the average 80-year-old man, but I don't like the coronary heart disease that comes with it.  What if we could make a healthy, low calorie meatloaf??? Oh, that's right.  WE CAN! All we need is some ground turkey and a few other ingredients you likely already have.  I made this the other night and my husband actually said he liked it better than my old meatloaf! Add some green beans on the side or the twice baked cauliflower in my previous post and you have a very filling but low calorie and healthy meal.  I will be making this again for sure. 

Start with a pound of ground turkey.  Place it in a bowl and cover it with a 1/4 cup each of ketchup and BBQ sauce.  Add 1/8 cup of mustard, one egg, and about 1/4 cup shredded cheese.  Take about 5 whole wheat saltines (don't forget to read the label!) and crush them in a baggy until they are very fine.  Pour these on top as well.  Now for the ewe part!!! Fold it together with your hands until all the ingredients are mixed. 

Put it in a loaf pan and spread evenly.  Cook it for about 20 minutes then pour a can of tomato soup (no milk or water added) on top.  Continue cooking for about 10-15 more minutes.  Serve hot.  DUH.  :)

Monday, November 4, 2013

I have found that it is easy to come up with a healthy main course, but side dishes are more difficult.  Sure, you can always just throw a veggie on the side but sometimes you want something with a little more pizazz!  I love to make twice baked cauliflower.  I make mine without bacon to keep it healthier, but you could  use crumpled cooked turkey bacon if you wanted to add it.  All you need is a fresh head of cauliflower, some cream cheese, sour cream, and shredded cheddar cheese.  Since you are doing an entire head, the sour cream and cream cheese is not eaten in large quantities so it is still an okay side.   It tastes as good as potatoes and is waaaaay lower in carbs.  Yummy side dish that is guilt free??? Shut the front door!  The best part for me is my family won't eat it, so I get to enjoy it for about a week.  It reheats amazingly!!! 

Simply cut up the cauliflower and boil the pieces for about 12 minutes.  Mash it up until it is this consistency. 
Stir in half a cup each of sour cream and whipped cream cheese.  If you are adding turkey bacon, add it crumpled at this point as well.   Pour the cauliflower into a pan and sprinkle the cheese on top.  Bake it at 350 for about 35 minutes.  ENJOY.  It is seriously soooo goood!!!

This morning I did an interval run.  Similar to a HIIT workout, I run hard for one minute and walk for a minute.  Then I run for 2, walk for 2.  I continue this pattern until I do 10 and 10.  When I am running, I run as hard as I can.  When I walk, I do it at a 7 incline.  Its a killer workout, but I feel so accomplished when I finish! You will never regret doing a workout. :)

Friday, November 1, 2013

 This crust was already made! All I had to do was add toppings!!!!!
Yesterday was Halloween and a very, very bad eating day.  I brought Oreos and gummy worms for my students and by 2:30, I had eaten my weight in Oreos and consumed more worms than the early bird.  However, that did not stop me from eating a ton of candy while my kids were trick-or-treating and handing out candy!  I always say I won't beat myself up over a bad day, but today was time to get back on track.  That is the thing about a bad day.  You have to be sure it does not lead into a week of bad days.  We all have occasional "cheat days" and we need them!    Normally, Friday night is my cheat meal and we order pizza.  I decided since yesterday was so full of junk for all of us, I would opt for a healthier homemade pizza.  The best part was, I even found personal size for the kids (including my biggest kid)  so it would be fun for them to make.  These were not whole grain, but I don't worry about this as  much for my little people (or my big guy :)) The pizza crust I bought was 100% whole wheat.  I brushed it with a little olive oil and then added some sauce, a little cheese, and TONS of veggies.  It was delicious!  I was a little weary of how the crust would taste since it was so healthy, but it was really really good.  The best part about homemade pizza is you can make it just the way you want.  I think I may do this more often on Friday nights! 

I also did a HIIT workout this morning because I was feeling sluggish.  It was a great way to get myself back into a  healthy mindset!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

As you know by now, I am all about fast meals!  I needed to get a prescription at Target last night and still make supper, eat, and get to Wellspring practice all by 5:30.  I decided chicken chili would be easy and quick.  I actually made it using a rotisserie chicken.  You could cook chicken in the crock pot all day and shred it, but........why? :)  I bought the southwest chicken because it has a little kick to it.  I simply put tomato sauce (two cans), chili beans (two cans), Rotell chilies and tomatoes (The small can.  I used hot but you can use mild if you don't like spice), and a bag of frozen corn -steamed first-  in a pot.  I added 1 1/2 T each of cumin, chili powder, garlic powder, and minced onion.  While this began simmering, I shredded the chicken and added it.  That is it.  It is a meal that tastes like it took hours and is perfect for  a chilly day (pun intended).  :)  In fact,  I thought I would have lunch today but my family ate 2 or 3 helpings each!  I will do this again for sure! In my picture you will see tomato juice as well.  I bought it thinking it may be too thick, but it was not and I did not use it.  You could add some if you like your chili runnier. 

I used my Pilates chair today for my workout.  I like to use a variety of things so I don't get bored as easily.  There are some great moves you can do without a chair as well.  I posted a link below.   I love Fitness magazines website when I need new workout ideas.  I find switching it up often not only causes my body to change and adapt, but also keeps me from having an excuse not to work out due to not being motivated.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Today was about as Monday as Mondays get!  Monday's are extra crazy around my house because Danika has dance class.  I turned to one of my very easy but healthy choices tonight.  It is so tempting to go through McDonalds on dance nights, but if I have easy ingredients on hand  I am much less likely to do so.  (Okay, sometimes I still go through just for the kids and eat 3 or 10 fries).  Actually, I did that tonight.  But then I ate this next :)  I think the broccoli cancels out the 15 or so fries. 

I actually use store bought chicken for this so it is even easier.  I buy the kind in the lunch meat section that is precooked and for salads.   It works just as well for this kind of meal and is way quicker than grilling or baking up the chicken to use.   In a bowl mix 1 cup of milk, 1 packet of chicken bouillon, and 4 T flour.   Add the chicken and one bag of steamed broccoli and stir.  I buy the frozen steam in bag broccoli.  You do need to steam it first.   Pour the mixture into a cassorle dish.  Add shredded cheddar cheese to the top.  Bake it for 30 mintues at 350.  That is it.  It's done.  The leftovers are really yummy too!  

I worked my legs today.  I was feeling a little lazy, so I just did it while I watched HLN in the morning.  I simply did squats for a minute, rest, tip toes for a minute, rest.  Repeat 3 times each.  Lunges for a minute, rest, Jumping squats for a minute, rest.  Repeat 3 times.  Lazy and short, I know.  Like I said, it's so Monday.  :)  Remember, doing something is still WAY better than doing nothing. 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Snacking.  It is necessary because you really should be eating every couple of hours to rev up your metabolism.  The problem is learning to snack the right way.  If you are anything like me, most of your bad calories come from snacking.  I eat pretty healthy at meals and really struggle with snacking.  I would just refrain from having bad snacks in my house, but I live with a husband who has a sweet tooth (and a freaky crazy fast metabolism to boot).  I actually deal with this by hanging "motivational" posters in the snack cupboard and fridge.  By motivational, I mean chicks with killer abs.  Nick is okay with them hanging there :)  When I see them, I ask myself, "would you rather have a Little Debbie or those abs?"  Easy choice!  The secret to snacking well is eating something that keeps you full longer.  I love Laughing Cow Cheese.  My favorite flavor is the garlic herb.  I enjoy dipping Triscuit crisps in them.  YUM.  Other favorites with lots of protein include celery with peanut butter or even apples with peanut butter.  I also really like cracker barrel cheese.  If you are craving sweet, try a piece of fruit instead of enriched snacks.  Remember what your goal is!  A snack is a temporary pleasure while the body you are hoping for and being healthy are long lasting satisfaction.  If you really want to snack on some chocolate, as we all need to sometimes as we are girls after all, just use portion control.  Snack size candy bars are great or even a few chocolate chips. 
I did a hit workout again this morning.  I should mention that if you don't want to pay money for this, you can make your own.  I like to use the videos because it paces me and I like the music! The concept of HIIT is high intensity interval training.  Essentially, you go as hard as you can for a full minute, then rest for a full minute.  Ideas of things you can do for your minute include blurpies, jacks, squat jumps, lunges, regular squats, or even running quickly in place.  I would do more than one of these each minute so you don't completely wear yourself out! :)