Saturday, October 26, 2013

Snacking.  It is necessary because you really should be eating every couple of hours to rev up your metabolism.  The problem is learning to snack the right way.  If you are anything like me, most of your bad calories come from snacking.  I eat pretty healthy at meals and really struggle with snacking.  I would just refrain from having bad snacks in my house, but I live with a husband who has a sweet tooth (and a freaky crazy fast metabolism to boot).  I actually deal with this by hanging "motivational" posters in the snack cupboard and fridge.  By motivational, I mean chicks with killer abs.  Nick is okay with them hanging there :)  When I see them, I ask myself, "would you rather have a Little Debbie or those abs?"  Easy choice!  The secret to snacking well is eating something that keeps you full longer.  I love Laughing Cow Cheese.  My favorite flavor is the garlic herb.  I enjoy dipping Triscuit crisps in them.  YUM.  Other favorites with lots of protein include celery with peanut butter or even apples with peanut butter.  I also really like cracker barrel cheese.  If you are craving sweet, try a piece of fruit instead of enriched snacks.  Remember what your goal is!  A snack is a temporary pleasure while the body you are hoping for and being healthy are long lasting satisfaction.  If you really want to snack on some chocolate, as we all need to sometimes as we are girls after all, just use portion control.  Snack size candy bars are great or even a few chocolate chips. 
I did a hit workout again this morning.  I should mention that if you don't want to pay money for this, you can make your own.  I like to use the videos because it paces me and I like the music! The concept of HIIT is high intensity interval training.  Essentially, you go as hard as you can for a full minute, then rest for a full minute.  Ideas of things you can do for your minute include blurpies, jacks, squat jumps, lunges, regular squats, or even running quickly in place.  I would do more than one of these each minute so you don't completely wear yourself out! :) 

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