Sunday, February 16, 2014

I've had two people ask me this week why I haven't blogged in a while because they miss my recipes.  (I'm not gonna lie, I teared up a little).  Okay, actually that WAS a lie, but regardless I am glad people enjoy it and I will try to post more often between my crazy life moments.  :)  I made this recipe about a month ago, and my husband loved it.  He said this is by far his favorite of the recipes I have been trying on this extreme cooking adventure.  I am always a fan of anything I can make in a crockpot because I love having supper ready when I get home.  For this recipe, you do want to be sure your chicken breasts are  not frozen because you want them to soak up the sauce.  You will need 5 chicken breasts, brown sugar ( I use the Splenda kind), soy sauce, garlic (chopped), and cornstarch.  I marinated mine in the sauce overnight and it had amazing flavor!   Begin by placing the chicken into a crockpot.  Mix together 1/2 cup water, 1 cup brown sugar, 1/2 cup of soy sauce, and 1 T chopped garlic. (Do not add cornstarch yet) As I said, I mixed it the night before and soaked the chicken overnight, but you don't have to do this.  Pour the mixture over the chicken and cook on low for 7 hours.  I am serious, that is all you do to prep.  How easy is that??!? Once the chicken has cooked, stir it all up so it shreds a little. 
Remove the chicken but keep the sauce in the bowl.  Add 3 T cornstarch mixed with 4T cold water to the sauce.  Put the chicken back in and stir it up.  This helps make the sauce a little thicker.  Cook it a few more minutes, and enjoy!  I put mine over rice, but my husband actually ate his shredded on a bun and said it was delicious.  Either way, it was really good. 

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