Yesterday a living room dance party ensued. Danika wanted to know why my arms move so much when I dance. is toning! :) I love to use my kettle bell to tone. The thing I love about the kettle bell is that it is cardio and toning in one great workout. Plus, in my grand tradition of liking shorter workouts, the kettle bell gets the job done! I have attached a link below with some great kettle bell exercises. I actually do each for 2 minutes then rest for 1 minute instead of counting reps. You can use a dumbbell if you don't have a kettle bell, but the shifting weight of a kettle bell makes your muscles work harder. Also, when you are working muscles, you have to fuel your body to help it develop the muscles. I have attached a picture of my "go to" breakfast following strength training. I LOVE english muffins, but all the enriched bread defeats the purpose of my workout. I found these Brownberry Sandwich Thins which are 100% whole wheat. I toast them in the toaster just like a muffin. I throw some natural peanut butter on them (I love the ones with a little honey) and some banana on top Elvis style! :) If you don't like banana on it, eat it separate. The potassium is another great muscle re-builder.
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